Animal communication helps with training horses

November 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Testimonials


Gabi and Shannon, Kelowna  BC


Hi Susie,
Thank you for communicating with Gabi. Wow what a difference I had with my ride on her today. I warmed her up for Carl and we both were relaxed and having fun. She was very light, responsive and trying to please. We walk, trotted and loped, along with some leg yielding and bending. Carl then rode her and did some more advanced work, doing counter cantering then asking for a lead change and she did it flawless both ways (her first time asked to do flying lead changes). He then loped circles asking for extension and then collecting in the lope. Last they did some pole bending as there was some poles set up which she just powered thru with finesse. She is a very powerful girl, a tomboy. I’m looking forward to riding her again today. 

Thank you
